Lately, I have been enjoying the works of YouTube artist, Frank James. He posts videos on the 16 different MBTI personality types. This is one of my favorite subjects in the world. I have particularly enjoyed Dr. David Keirsey’s in-depth analysis and categorization of the 16 different personality types in his books “Please Understand Me” and “Please Understand Me II”.

The Myers-Briggs Type Inventory specifies the following 4 categories based on your answers to the questionnaire:

  • Extrovert (E) or Introvert (I)
  • Sensing (S) or Intuiting (N)
  • Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)
  • Perceiving (P) or Judging (J)

This results in 16 different personality types

  1. ESTP
  2. ESTJ
  3. ESFP
  4. ESFJ

Dr. Keirsey used the second and third letters to further classify the personality types:

  1. SF – Artisan
  2. ST – Rational
  3. NT – Guardian
  4. NF – Idealist

The first Frank James video was “16 Personalities Quitting Their Jobs”. Here are my top four laugh-out-loud favorites:

  1. Let me read you my letter of resignation to see if it sounds OK. Ahem. “To Whom It May Concern. I QUIT. Regards, ME.” (Pause) What do you think? Too long-winded?
  2. You can’t fire me, I quit! … Oh, you _weren’t_ firing me? I kind of jumped the gun there, didn’t I? Hmm … I guess I’ve gone and quit now.
  3. When you said this workplace was like a family, I didn’t realize you meant the messy, dysfunctional family that would one day wind up on the Dr. Phil show! As a result of being exposed to this toxic work environment, I will now need extensive therapy … probably from someone like Dr. Phil!
  4. I’m not quitting because of my co-worker, Timmy. That would be weak. I’m quitting because of this company’s poor decision-making skills, as EVIDENCED by the continued employment of my co-worker, Timmy.

I also enjoyed his impersonation of an ENFP getting angry with a rude customer in “16 Personalities Getting Offended“:

How DARE you speak to me in that tone of voice! Go to your room! (Pause) No, I don’t care if I’m not your mom and don’t even really know you. Go to your room anyway!

I like to think over these quotes when I’m having a rough day and don’t really feel like being alone with my thoughts (which Frank depicts as a typical INFJ challenge). I was inspired to create a skit of my own. Shy INFJ that I am, it will be presented in written form:

Me: Frank, you can’t be all things to all people.

Frank: What rock have you been living under? Being all 16 different personalities to everyone on Earth is literally my job!

Me: But, Frank, it’s not sustainable.

Frank: You think I don’t know that? I post video after video on YouTube and those greedy, ravenous monsters just keep demanding more and more and MORE! I’m exhausted.

Me: I think you could benefit from a break.

Frank: What would you know about it? You’re only one personality type.

Me: (highly affronted) I am the rarest personality type in the world! You just don’t know a good thing when you see it! Well, take a good look because (gestures at self and snaps fingers) it’s gone!

About Saranya Murthy

Writing is my life's work.
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